Lesson 20 - NumPy

The following topics are discussed in this notebook:

  • Create NumPy arrays.
  • Array operations.
  • Boolean masking.

Introduction to NumPy

NumPy, which is short for "Numerical Python" is a package that provides additional functionality for performing numerical calculations involving lists. It can greatly simplify certain types of tasks relating to lists that would otherwise require loops. In the next cell, we will import NumPy under the name np.

In [1]:
import numpy as np

At the core of NumPy is a new data type called an array. Arrays are similar to lists, and in many ways, arrays and lists behave the same.

We can create an array from a list using the function np.array().

In [2]:
my_list = [4, 1, 7, 3, 5]
my_array = np.array([4, 1, 7, 3, 5])

Let's check the data types for these two objects.

In [3]:
print('The type for my_list is: ', type(my_list))
print('The type for my_array is:', type(my_array))
The type for my_list is:  <class 'list'>
The type for my_array is: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Let's print each of these objects and compare the results.

In [4]:
[4, 1, 7, 3, 5]
In [5]:
[4 1 7 3 5]

We can access an element of an array using an index in exactly the same way we would with a list.

In [6]:

Arrays also support slicing, just like lists.

In [7]:
[4, 1, 7]
[4 1 7]

Most (but not all) functions that accept lists as inputs will also work on arrays.

In [8]:

Array Operations

The primary difference between arrays and lists is that certain types of operations can be performed more easily on arrays than on lists.

Assume that we want to create a list by multiplying each element of myList by 5. We could do so as follows:

In [9]:
new_list = []
for item in myList:
    new_list.append(5 * item)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-241bad8208de> in <module>
      1 new_list = []
----> 2 for item in myList:
      3     new_list.append(5 * item)
      4 print(new_list)

NameError: name 'myList' is not defined

This task is much easier to accomplish with arrays, however. We simply multiply myArray by 5.

In [10]:
new_array = 5 * myArray
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-25cced337577> in <module>
----> 1 new_array = 5 * myArray
      2 print(new_array)

NameError: name 'myArray' is not defined

Recall that we can, in fact, multiply lists by integers. However, this operations replicates the list rather than performing the multiplication operation elementwise.

In [ ]:
print(5 * myList)

We can perform other types of arithmetic operations on NumPy arrays. In each case, the specified operation is applied to each individual element of the array.

In [ ]:
print(myArray ** 2)
In [ ]:
print(myArray +  100)

NumPy also includes a meaningful way to add, subtract, multiply, and divide arrays, as long as they are of the same length.

In [11]:
array1 = np.array([1,4,3])
array2 = np.array([5,8,2])

print('Sum:        ', array1 + array2)
print('Difference: ', array1 - array2)
print('Product:    ', array1 * array2)
print('Ratio:      ', array1 / array2)
Sum:         [ 6 12  5]
Difference:  [-4 -4  1]
Product:     [ 5 32  6]
Ratio:       [0.2 0.5 1.5]

If we attempt to perform an arithmetic operation on two lists of different sizes, this will produce an error (except in certain, very specific cases that we will discuss later).

In [12]:
array1 = np.array([2, 1, 4])
array2 = np.array([3, 9, 2, 7])

print(array1 + array2) # This results in an error
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-1609c84544c8> in <module>
      2 array2 = np.array([3, 9, 2, 7])
----> 4 print(array1 + array2) # This results in an error

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (4,) 

Data Types of Array Elements

Arrays can contain elements of any data type, but unlike lists, each element within an array must be of the same data type.

Note: Numpy does provide a data type called a structured array that can contain a mix of data types, but we will not discuss those in this lesson.

In the cell below, lets see what happens when we try to assign a floating point value to an element within an array of integers.

In [13]:
int_array = np.array([8, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3])

int_array[2] = 7.9
[8 4 5 2 4 6 3]
[8 4 7 2 4 6 3]

Now let's see what happens if we try to assign a string to an element in an array of integers.

In [14]:
int_array = np.array([8, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3])

int_array[2] = '7.9'
[8 4 5 2 4 6 3]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-3607d77ac7fc> in <module>
      2 print(int_array)
----> 4 int_array[2] = '7.9'
      5 print(int_array)

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '7.9'

We can coerce the data types of all elements within an array using the astype() method.

In [15]:
float_array = int_array.astype('float')

float_array[2] = 7.9
[8. 4. 5. 2. 4. 6. 3.]
[8.  4.  7.9 2.  4.  6.  3. ]

Array Functions

Most list functions can also be applied to arrays. For example, functions such as sum() and len() operate on arrays in exactly the same way as they would on lists. The numpy package also provides us with several additional functions that do not exist in base Python, as well as versions of standard Python functions that have been optimized for arrays.

For example, even though we can use sum() to calculate the sum of values in an array, numpy also provides us with a function called np.sum(), which can be used on both lists and arrays, but has been optimized for performance on arrays. To provide an example of this, we will import the time package, with provides us with a tool for measuring the execution time for portions of code.

In [16]:
import time

The function time.time() will report the current system time, in seconds. In the following cell, we have four loops. Each loop will calculate one million sums, using either sum() or np.sum(), and running on either a list or an array. We will check the time before and after each loop runs.

In [17]:
t1 = time.time()
for i in range(1000000):
t2 = time.time()
for i in range(1000000):
t3 = time.time()
for i in range(1000000):
t4 = time.time()
for i in range(1000000):

t5 = time.time()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-8349240bb5ba> in <module>
      1 t1 = time.time()
      2 for i in range(1000000):
----> 3     sum(myList)
      5 t2 = time.time()

NameError: name 'myList' is not defined

In the cell below, we will calculate the time required for each loop to run, and will plot the results using matplotlib.

In [18]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [19]:
labels = ['sum on\nlist', 'sum on\narray', 'np.sum on\nlist', 'np.sum on\narray']
heights = [t5 - t4, t4 - t3, t3 - t2, t2 - t1]

plt.bar(labels, heights, color='cornflowerblue', edgecolor='k')
plt.ylabel('Time (in seconds)')
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-cfc74efffb76> in <module>
      1 labels = ['sum on\nlist', 'sum on\narray', 'np.sum on\nlist', 'np.sum on\narray']
----> 2 heights = [t5 - t4, t4 - t3, t3 - t2, t2 - t1]
      4 plt.bar(labels, heights, color='cornflowerblue', edgecolor='k')
      5 plt.ylabel('Time (in seconds)')

NameError: name 't5' is not defined

Numpy also provides the following functions:

  • np.prod() returns the product of the elements in an array.
  • np.max() returns the largest element in an array.
  • np.min() returns the smallest element in an array.
  • np.argmax() returns the index of the largest element in an array.
  • np.argmin() returns the index of the smallest element in an array.
  • np.mean() returns the mean of the elements in an array.
  • np.std() returns the standard deviation of elements in an array.
  • np.unique() returns an array of distinct elements in an array.
In [ ]:
test_array = np.array([3.2, 4.8, 8.7, 8.7, 6.4, 5.3, 5.3, 
                       1.8, 4.8, 1.8, 5.4, 3.1, 3.2, 1.8])

print('Sum:               ', np.sum(test_array))
print('Product:           ', np.prod(test_array))
print('Max:               ', np.max(test_array))
print('Min:               ', np.min(test_array))
print('ArgMax:            ', np.argmax(test_array))
print('ArgMin:            ', np.argmin(test_array))
print('Mean:              ', np.mean(test_array))
print('Standard Deviation:', np.std(test_array))
print('Distinct Elements: ', np.unique(test_array))

Elementwise Functions

Numpy provides us with several elementwise functions. The functions will apply a certain operation to each element of an array, returning a new array. We will not cover all of these here, but will show you a few examples.

  • np.exp() raises e to each element within an array.
  • np.log() applies the natural logarithm to each element within an array.
  • np.round() rounds each element of an array to a specified number of decimal places.
In [ ]:
float_array = [3.45143, 1.23498, 6.57618, 2.47508, 7.50698]

print('Example of np.exp:  ', np.exp(float_array))
print('Example of np.log:  ', np.log(float_array))
print('Example of np.round:', np.round(float_array, 2))
print('Example of np.round:', np.round(float_array, 0))

Example: Calculating Total Sales

Two lists, sales and prices are provided below. Each entry of sales provides the number of units of a different product sold by a store during a given week. The prices lists provides the unit price of each of the products.

Without using NumPy, write some code that will print out a single number totalSales that is equal to the store's total revenue during the week.

In [ ]:
sales = [24, 61, 17, 34, 41, 29, 32, 43]
prices = [10.50, 5.76, 13.49, 8.13, 7.79, 12.60, 9.51, 11.34]

totalSales = 0
for i in range(0, len(sales)):
    totalSales += sales[i] * prices[i]

The cell below converts the lists sales and price into arrays. Use NumPy to accomplish to calculate totalSales. See if you can do it with only one new line of code.

In [ ]:
sales_array = np.array(sales)
prices_array = np.array(prices)

totalSales = np.sum(sales_array * prices_array)

Array Comparisons

Unlike lists, we can perform numerical comparisons with arrays. The comparison is carried out for each element of the array, and the result is an array of boolean values, containing the results of each comparison.

In [ ]:
someArray = np.array([4, 7, 6, 3, 9, 8])

print(someArray < 5)

There are many applications of array comparisons, but one is that it provides us with a convenient way to count the number of elements in an array that satisfy a certain condition. Since Python treats True as being equal to 1 and False as being equal to 0, we can use the sum function along with Boolean masking to count the number of elements in an array that satisfy a certain critera.

In [ ]:
cat = np.array(['A', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'A' ,
                'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'A'])
In [ ]:
print('Count of A:', np.sum(cat == 'A'))
print('Count of B:', np.sum(cat == 'B'))
print('Count of C:', np.sum(cat == 'C'))
In [ ]:
val = np.array([8, 1, 3, 6, 10, 6, 12, 4,
                6, 1, 4, 8,  5, 4, 12, 4])

print('Number of elememts > 6: ', np.sum(val > 6) )
print('Number of elements <= 6:', np.sum(val <= 6) )
print('Number of even elements:', np.sum(val % 2 == 0) )
print('Number of odd elements: ', np.sum(val % 2 != 0) )

Logical Operators for Arrays

We can use the & and | operators to combine two boolean arrays into a single boolean array. Numpy also provides a unary negation operator ~.

  • & performs the and operation on the elements of the two arrays, one pair at a time.
  • | performs the or operation on the elements of the two arrays, one pair at a time.
  • ~ can be placed in front of a boolean array to negate the elements of that array.

We will illustrate how these operators work using the two boolean arrays defined below.

In [ ]:
b1 = np.array([True, True, False, False])
b2 = np.array([True, False, True, False])

In the cell below, we illustrate the use of the & and | operators.

In [ ]:
print('b1 and b2:', b1 & b2)
print('b1 or b2: ', b1 | b2)

We will now provide example of using the negation operator ~.

In [ ]:
print('Negation of b1:', ~b1)
print('Negation of b2:', ~b2)

We can use these operators to perform counts that depend on two (or more) conditions.

In the cell below, we use comparisons to count the number of elements in val that are even and greater than 5.

In [ ]:
print(np.sum((val % 2 == 0) & (val > 5)))

The following cell uses three comparisons to count the number of elements in val that are even, divisible by 3, and greater than 7.

In [20]:
print(np.sum((val % 2 == 0) & (val % 3 == 0) & (val > 7)))
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-840019aa6fc2> in <module>
----> 1 print(np.sum((val % 2 == 0) & (val % 3 == 0) & (val > 7)))

NameError: name 'val' is not defined

We can use the logical operators on boolean arrays produced by comparisons involving different lists. In the cell below, we count the number of elements in cat that are equal to A, and for which the associated element of val is greater than 5.

In [21]:
print(np.sum( (cat == 'A') & (val > 5) ))
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-d53089aa7a91> in <module>
----> 1 print(np.sum( (cat == 'A') & (val > 5) ))

NameError: name 'cat' is not defined

Boolean Masking (Filtering)

Boolean masking is a tool for creating subsets of NumPy arrays, or in other words, to filter arrays. Boolean masking is performed by providing an array of Boolean values to another array of the same size, as if it were an index. This returns a subset of elements of the outer array that correspond to True values within the Boolean array.

Let's see an example.

In [22]:
boolArray = np.array([True, True, False, True, False])
myArray = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])

subArray = myArray[boolArray]
[1 2 4]

Since array comparisons return Boolean arrays, we can use array comparisons inside of square braces to quickly filter an array based on some criteria.

In [23]:
cat = np.array(['A', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'A' ,
                'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'A'])

val = np.array([8, 1, 3, 6, 10, 6, 12, 4,
                6, 1, 4, 8,  5, 4, 12, 4])

The first line of the cell below selects and displays only the elements of val that are greater than 6. The second line selects and displays only the elements that are less than or equal to 6.

In [24]:
print(val[val > 6])
print(val[val <= 6])
[ 8 10 12  8 12]
[1 3 6 6 4 6 1 4 5 4 4]

We can perform Boolean making using array comparisons involving the modulus operator to select elements of a list that are odd or those that are even.

In [25]:
print(val[val % 2 == 0])
print(val[val % 2 != 0])
[ 8  6 10  6 12  4  6  4  8  4 12  4]
[1 3 1 5]

When we are working with parallel lists, we can use comparisons involving one list to select elements out of another list.

In [26]:
print(val[cat == 'A'])
print(val[cat == 'B'])
print(val[cat == 'C'])
[ 8  3 12  4  5 12  4]
[ 6 10  1  4]
[1 6 6 4 8]

In the cell below, we calculate the total value for objects in each of the three categories, A, B, and C.

In [27]:
print(np.sum(val[cat == 'A']))
print(np.sum(val[cat == 'B']))
print(np.sum(val[cat == 'C']))

Fancy Indexing

Python lists and numpy arrays both allow for basic indexing, as well as slicing. We have seen that we can also use Boolean arrays for selecting elements out of an array. Numpy provides us with one more tool for indexing that is not available in lists: fancy indexing. Fancy indexing refers to providing a list or array of indices to an array. This will return a subarray of elements associated with those indices, in the order determined by the indexing list/array.

In [28]:
my_array = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90])
print(my_array[[6, 3, 8]])
[70 40 90]

Functions for Creating Arrays

We can use the functions np.zeros(), np.ones(), np.arange(), and np.linspace() to create arrays with specific structures. We will illustrate these functions one at a time.

The function np.zeros() creates and array consisting of only zeros.

In [29]:
array0 = np.zeros(10)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

The function np.ones() creates and array consisting of only ones.

In [30]:
array1 = np.ones(10)
[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]

The function np.arange() creates a sequence of evenly spaced elements. We specify where the sequence should start, where it should stop, and the difference between consecutive elements.

In [31]:
array2 = np.arange(start=2, stop=4, step=0.25)
[2.   2.25 2.5  2.75 3.   3.25 3.5  3.75]

Like np.arange(), the function np.linspace() also creates a sequence of evenly spaced elements. Instead of specifying the step size, we provide np.linspace() with the number of elements to be created.

In [32]:
array3 = np.linspace(start=2, stop=4, num=11)
[2.  2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.  3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4. ]

Example: Employee Data

Several arrays are defined in the cell below. These arrays are meant to contain records for the salespersons working at a certain company.

EID, fname, and lname store the employee ID and name of the salespeople. The array salary contains the monthly salaries of the employees.

The arrays sales_month, sales_EID, sales_rev, and sales_exp represent entries in a table of sales data. Each particular index in these lists refers to a month, and employee, and the total revenues and expenses for that employee during that month.

In [33]:
EID = np.array([103, 106, 107, 111, 115])
fname = np.array(['Anna', 'Brad', 'Cory', 'Brad', 'Emma'])
lname = np.array(['Jones', 'Green', 'Brown', 'Davis', 'Green'])
salary = np.array([5620, 6250, 5480, 4350, 4640])

sales_month = np.array(['Jan']*5 + ['Feb']*5 + ['Mar']*5 + ['Apr']*5 + ['May']*5 + ['Jun']*5 +
                       ['Jul']*5 + ['Aug']*5 + ['Sep']*5 + ['Oct']*5 + ['Nov']*5 + ['Dec']*5)
sales_EID = np.array([103, 106, 107, 111, 115]*12)

sales_rev = np.array([16887, 36296, 10219, 22377, 43366, 20087, 25643, 29853, 19925, 45259, 30953, 27038, 
                      23563, 14986, 32105, 29042, 26106, 47848, 30160, 21224, 37301, 38803, 16794, 36425,
                      29011, 19220, 41406, 24551, 29567, 29522, 20435, 16094, 17346, 21056, 25443, 29500, 
                      25748, 16914, 10973, 23193, 19599, 27395, 31450, 21705, 22856, 39687,  8435, 14932,
                      24479, 32870, 32042, 30693, 12245, 15057, 13041, 43451, 27246, 21278, 36200, 15107])

sales_exp = np.array([ 724, 2138, 2978, 1351, 1542, 1667, 1954, 1192, 1454, 1741, 2019, 1882, 
                      1681, 1894, 1068, 1442, 1382, 3075,  665,  990, 1426, 1654, 1649, 1325,  
                       958, 4082, 1713, 2127, 3086, 1481, 3309, 1313, 1823, 1635, 1632, 2378, 
                      2551, 1715, 2290, 1782, 2126, 1356, 2630, 2316, 1644, 2003,  769, 2402, 
                      1628, 1155, 2274, 2538, 2090, 2652, 2909, 2281, 2238, 2844,  789, 1528])

In the cell below, we use numpy operations to calculate the total annual revenue, expenses, and profit generated by each employee.

In [34]:
rev_by_employee = np.zeros(5).astype('int')
exp_by_employee = np.zeros(5).astype('int')

for i in range(len(EID)):
    rev_by_employee[i] = np.sum(sales_rev[sales_EID == EID[i]])
    exp_by_employee[i] = np.sum(sales_exp[sales_EID == EID[i]])

profit_by_employee = rev_by_employee - exp_by_employee - salary

print('Revenue: ', rev_by_employee)
print('Expenses:', exp_by_employee)
print('Profit:  ', profit_by_employee)
Revenue:  [338204 330903 266993 282910 332997]
Expenses: [25731 21488 26206 21085 18430]
Profit:   [306853 303165 235307 257475 309927]

We will now identify the employee who generated the greatest total annual revenue.

In [35]:
n = np.argmax(rev_by_employee)

print('EID:    ', EID[n])
print('Name:   ', fname[n], lname[n])
print('Revenue:', rev_by_employee[n])
EID:     103
Name:    Anna Jones
Revenue: 338204

Now let's identify the employee who generated the greatest total annual profit.

In [36]:
n = np.argmax(profit_by_employee)

print('EID:   ', EID[n])
print('Name:  ', fname[n], lname[n])
print('Profit:', profit_by_employee[n])
EID:    115
Name:   Emma Green
Profit: 309927

Finally, let's determine the month during which the company generated the most revenue.

In [37]:
months = np.unique(sales_month)
total_monthly_sales = np.zeros(12).astype('int')

for i in range(12):
    total_monthly_sales[i] = np.sum(sales_rev[sales_month == months[i]])
n = np.argmax(total_monthly_sales)    

print('Month:  ', months[n])
print('Revenue:', total_monthly_sales[n])
Month:   May
Revenue: 158334


The numpy function np.where() is a useful tool for creating new arrays by applying logical rules to currently existing arrays. Assume that A, B, and C are arrays. The syntax for using np.where() is as follows:

D = np.where(condition involving elements of A, B, C)

In terms of the results, this code is equivalent to the following:

D = []
for i in range(0, len(A)):
    if condition is True for A[i]:
D = np.array(D)

Although the results are the same, the numpy version of this code will run significantly faster.

Example of np.where()

In the cell below, we provide a simple example of np.where(). In this example, we define three arrays, cond_array, arrayA, and arrayB. The elements of cond_array are all strings of the form 'A' or 'B'. The other two arrays contain integer values, with arrayA containing positive values and arrayB containing negative values. We will use the np.where() to create an array that selects elements out of either arrayA or arrayB, as indicated by the elements of cond_array.

In [38]:
cond_array = np.array(['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B'])
arrayA = np.array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5])
arrayB = np.array([-1, -2, -3, -4, -5])

result = np.where(cond_array == 'A', arrayA, arrayB)
[ 1 -2 -3  4 -5]

Example: Calculating Likelihood

To see an example of using np.where(), assume that we have created a statistical model that estimates the probability that students will pass a certain profession exam based on several factors, such as the amount of time they spent studying, whether or not they attended a workshop, and so on. Assume that the model is applied to five students. In the cell below, we have two arrays. The array prob_of_passing tells us the probability of each student passing the exam, as determined by the model. The array result tells us whether or not the student actually passed.

In [39]:
prob_of_passing = np.array([0.3, 0.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.1])
results = np.array(['F', 'P', 'F', 'P', 'F'])

We want to score how well the model did by calculating its likelihood score. This is equal to the probability that the students got exactly the results observed, according to the model. Since the model only directly estimates the probability of passing and some students failed, we will also need to find the probability of failing.

In [40]:
prob_of_failing = 1 - prob_of_passing
[0.7 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.9]

We will now use np.where() to create an array that contains the model's estimate of probability that each individual student got the outcome observed.

In [41]:
prob_observed = np.where(results == 'P', prob_of_passing, prob_of_failing)
[0.7 0.8 0.4 0.9 0.9]

Finally, the model's likelihood score is calculated by multiplying together all of the probabilities in prob_observed.

In [42]:
L = np.prod(prob_observed)

Example: Assigning Grades

When using np.where(condition, B, C), we are allowed to use values with basic data types such (int, float, bool, str) instead of arrays for either or both of the values B and C. To see an example of this, assume that we have a list of exam scores for 10 students, and we want to create an array that contains strings Pass or Fail, to indicate whether each student passed or failed the exam. Assume that a grade of 70 or higher is required for passing.

In [43]:
scores = np.array([73, 92, 56, 61, 43, 87, 99, 75, 12, 94])
results = np.where(scores >= 70, 'Pass', 'Fail')
['Pass' 'Pass' 'Fail' 'Fail' 'Fail' 'Pass' 'Pass' 'Pass' 'Fail' 'Pass']

A single np.where() statement behaves like an if-else statement inside of a loop. We can replicate the effects of an if-elif-else statment by nesting calls to np.where(). In the example below, we will assign letter grades to each of the students based on their exam scores.

In [44]:
grades = np.array(['A'] * len(scores))
grades = np.where(scores < 90, 'B', grades)
grades = np.where(scores < 80, 'C', grades)
grades = np.where(scores < 70, 'D', grades)
grades = np.where(scores < 60, 'F', grades)                 
['C' 'A' 'F' 'D' 'F' 'B' 'A' 'C' 'F' 'A']