Predictive Modeling
This page contains links to html renders of RStudio notebooks that I developed in Fall 2019 for the following two courses offered at Maryville University:
- DSCI 412 - Predictive Modeling (Undergraduate)
- DSCI 512 - Predictive Modeling (Graduate)
These courses introduce the theory of several machine learning and statistical learning techniques. They also cover the use of R for performing tasks related to the techniques.
- 1.1 - Introduction to Statistical Learning
- 2.1 - Introduction to Supervised Learning
- 2.2 - Training Regression Models
- 2.3 - Bias-Variance Trade-Off
- 3.1 -Simple Linear Regression
- 3.1.a - Derivation of Parameter Estimates
- 3.1.b - Derivation of R-Squared
- 3.2 - Assumptions about Error Term
- 3.3 - Inference in SLR
- 3.4 - Multiple Regression
- 3.5 - Categorical Predictors
- 3.6 - Logarithmic Transformations
- 4.1 - Logistic Regression
- 4.2 - Multinomial Logistic Regression
- 4.3 - KNN Classification
- 5.1 - Introduction to Cross Validation
- 5.2 - Introduction to Caret
- 6.1 - Ridge and LASSO Regression
- 6.2 - Regularized Logistic Regression
- 8.1 - Decision Trees
- 8.2 - Random Forests
- 10.1 - Principal Component Analysis
- 10.2 - PCA for Facial Recognition