Welcome to Python for Machine Learning

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This book is a work in progress and you are viewing it as it is being constructed. Many pages are incomplete and much of the content and structure will change in the near future.

The contents of this book are arranged into the following sections:

To be added.

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This web-book is part of a planned series of four web-books dealing with Python. Information about the books in this series can be found below. Please note that all of these books are currently under development.

This book provides an introduction to programming in Python. The emphasis is on using Python for general programming tasks.

This book provides introductions to many Python packages that are useful in Data Science. These packages include NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn. This book focuses on data analysis and data visualization, but it also contains an introduction to machine learning.

This book provides resources for using Python to create machine learning models. It will cover some of the theory related to machine learning but places an emphasis on application.

This book provides an introduction to using the Keras and PyTorch packages to create neural network models. It will cover topics such as image classification, audio classification, natural language processing, and generative models.